
Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Blogger Blah

If you have noticed a lack of posts on my blog since the end of summer, thanks for reading. It would be easy to assume that I haven't had time to blog, but that's not it. I actually have a number of posts written and not posted.  My problem? The new Blogger.

I consider myself tech savvy. I taught myself html language back before templates existed. But the new blogger -- I simply can't figure out. I'll be in the middle of writing and it will add space, change my formatting, change font, create posts that look one way in preview and a completely different way when posted. I have just about had it.

Is it me?


  1. I've kind of given up on the idea of total control as far as creating posts that look EXACTLY the way I want them too. Sometimes good enough is exactly that-good enough. Anyway, to cheer you up I joined your followers :)

    1. Thanks, Rhiann and welcome to my blog. I really hate that the "new" way makes up settle. I don't understand why companies need to fix things that weren't broken to begin with.


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