
Monday, October 10, 2016

#IMWAYR October 10, 2016

Each week I join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers to share all of the reading I've done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. It's #IMWAYR.

My class has spent their time noticing, wondering, and thinking about their books. Here's a few of the things they noticed last week.

Here's what I read this week:

Middle Grade

This fun fractured, contemporary, post Snow White story explores beauty and what it really means to be the fairest of them all.

Young Adult

This sequel to Six of Crows was even better than the first book. I love these characters because even though they seem ruthless, they all have incredibly large hearts. I hope there will be a third.


I hardly ever read adult books but everyone's been talking about this one so I decided to try it. Honest, I didn't find it lived up to the hype. The characters were flat and the women had incredibly low self-esteem. I think I'll stick to kidlit.


If you like my reading choices, you can check out all the books I've read on Goodreads and please leave a comment below. 


  1. Charmed was fun but but slightly disturbing, with its concentration on looking a certain way. I'm debating. Have you nominated books for the Cybils awards yet? Think of some good ones and see if they have already been nominated!

    1. I nominated Charmed for a Cybil. I was also worried at first about Snow White's intentions in giving her daughter a beauty makeover, but without giving anything away, I think that the message is one tweens need to hear and I know many of them have considered going in the initial direction of the main character. In the end the book calls to question that concentration and focuses on the heart, not the face.

  2. I (Tammy) read The Girl on the Train for book club and felt the same way you did. I didn't really connect with any of the characters. Did you read Gone Girl? That work is similar but I found the characters more believable.

  3. Honestly, I couldn't get into The Girl on the Train. The characters just sort of all blended together, and they weren't very interesting, so I just didn't care what happened to any of them. Not my cup of tea at all, and I'm actually a big mystery reader!


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