
Monday, October 23, 2017

#IMWAYR Oct. 23, 2017

Each week I join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee from Unleashing Readers to share all of the reading I've done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. 

This week I continued to read middle grade novels for the Cybils, and to share with my class. I also had a chance to squeeze in one Young Adult fantasy over the weekend.

Here's what I read this week:

Middle Grade

Told from multiple points of view, this book addresses the too real issue of over-testing in schools while introducing us to a number of wonderful characters who grow and change throughout the book. I hope it will be a series.

The Unbreakable Code is book 2 in the Book Scavenger series. Emily and James are two young code breaking book hunters who are trying to break a historical Unbreakable Code to solve the mystery of why their history teacher has been acting suspicious. Little do they know that their own search for answers is making them a target of an arsonist.

Clayton Byrd's grandfather is the coolest person he knows. A Blues Man, Cool Papa Byrd is loved by many and he has shared his love of the Blues and music with his only grandson. Unfortunately the one person who does not love Cool Papa's music is his daughter, Clayton's mother. When Cool Papa suddenly dies, Clayton's mother seeks to rid her life and Clayton's life, of her father's memory. No willing to give his grandfather's memory away, Clayton sets off by himself to find his grandfather's blues.

Young Adult

One Dark Throne is the second in the Three Dark Crown series. Unfortunately my library only has book two, but it didn't take long for me to get wrapped up in this world. In this kingdom, female triplets are born to every queen but only one of the three is allowed to take the throne. During this book, their ascension year, the three must battle to the death in order to see who has been blessed by the goddess and can rule the kingdom. Told in multiple points of view, this book is Game of Thrones for teens.


Stacy Barnett Mozer is a teacher and a middle grade author. If you like what she's been reading follow her on Goodreads. Please leave a comment below. 

It's Monday, what are you reading?


  1. Rob Buyea is really good at writing in different perspectives. Each of his characters had their own unique voices. Students love Because of Mr. Terupt so I'm hoping they like this one as well.

  2. I've been wanting to read The Perfect Score. When I was a classroom teacher, I really felt the students were overly tested and so stressed from it. Altogether it looks like you had a good reading. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. Perfect Score is a book that all of the adults in education should definitely read! This book had a lot to say about the consequences of our testing obsession.

  4. I'm looking forward to reading The Perfect Score, and thankful that we here in British Columbia, don't have to deal with such high stakes testing.
    I loved Clayton Bird almost as much as the Gaither Sisters series.

  5. I'm really looking forward to Clayton Bird, it just sounds so heartfelt and lovely.

    And I remember the terror of standardized testing, I still have nightmares all these years later! So much stress to put on young people, so early in their lives.

  6. I would like to get to The Perfect Score sometime soon! I've been hearing good things about it.
    Clayton Byrd is on this month's Mock Newbery list. I'm looking forward to hearing kids talk about it next week!

  7. All of these are on my soon TBR, but I haven't read any yet. Thank you for helping me see what I should move higher :)

    Happy reading this week!

  8. Checked out the first Book Scavenger to a student today. I like that it's a fairly happy book!


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