
Monday, November 6, 2017

#IMWAYR November 6, 2017

Each week I join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee from Unleashing Readers to share all of the reading I've done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. 

This week I continued to read middle grade novels for the Cybils, and to share with my class. I also had a chance to squeeze in another Young Adult fantasy.

Here's what I read this week:

Middle Grade

Maverick is determined to live up to his father's memory and right the wrongs of sixth grade. Unfortunately each time he plays the hero, he ends up being the villain instead. But the more he looks out for others, the more people see him for the kindhearted person he is. This book explores many difficult topics such as an alcoholic mother, her abusive boyfriends, and a classmate with and abusive father.

Arturo loves spending time with his family at their Miami restaurant. When a big developer threatens to close them down, Arturo tries to be a hero and save the day. Unfortunately his plans don't go as expected. A wonderful book about the importance of family and community.

Meet The Vanderbeeks, five children ranging in age from four to twelve. When their parents tell them that they will have to move out of their brownstone in Harlem because their grumpy landlord, the Biederman, doesn't want to renew their lease, the Vanderbeek children decide to change his mind with kindness. A fun group of characters with an important problem to solve.

I could not put down this new novel by Laura Shovan. A full review and interview will be coming to Sporty Girl Books before the book releases in June 2018. For now, I will just tell you that this book should be on your TBR list.

Young Adult

Ember, a dragon turned rogue, continues to fight Talon, the dragon body that is set on the destruction of humans. In this fourth book, Ember and her friends have to help sworn dragon fighters, the soliders of St. George, in order to ensure that both humans and rogue dragons survive. 


Stacy Barnett Mozer is a teacher and a middle grade author. If you like what she's been reading follow her on Goodreads. Please leave a comment below. 

It's Monday, what are you reading?


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