
Monday, October 7, 2019

#IMWAYR October 7, 2019

Each week I try to join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee from Unleashing Readers to share all of the reading I've done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. 

Here's what I read this week:

Young Adult

The Body Finder series is an intreging supernatural mystery thriller about a girl named Violet who is able to locate murderded dead bodies and their killers because of the echos and imprints the body leaves behind. Each story is told in multiple points of view, focusing mainly on Violet, but slipping in chapters from the suspected murderers point of view as well. It reminded me of the new adult Miki Radicci series by Mike Purfield. If you like these books, you may like those as well.


Stacy Barnett Mozer is a teacher and a middle grade author. If you like what she's been reading follow her on Goodreads. Please leave a comment below. 


  1. I imagine some older readers will like this series a lot, Stacy. I'll note the first one! Thanks!

  2. Those sure are gorgeous covers for stories of murder!

  3. I will have to check this series out. I could use some good murder mystery's/suspense. And these covers are gorgeous!

  4. It's fun to find a good series and then tear it up, isn't it? Those look beautiful.

  5. Both this series and the Miki Radicci series are new to me. I'm going to have to go look them up on Goodreads. Thanks for sharing, Stacy!


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