
Monday, July 25, 2022

#IMWAYR July 25, 2022



It's Monday What Are You Reading is hosted each week by Unleashing Readers and Teach Mentor Texts. If you are a person who loves kidlit, all you need to do to join is to blog about books you are reading on Monday, add your link to either of those two blogs, and post using the hashtag. I hope you will join in!

I did not get a chance to do as much reading this week, but I did finish a couple of new middle grades I'm excited to share. I'm trying so hard to ignore the calendar as the summer starts to tick down. At least I don't start until August 29 this year.

Middle Grade

Maggie is starting middle school and it feels like everyone she knows has a passion except her. When her friends become busy with their new clubs. Maggie decides to join as many as possible until something sticks. Maggie is a great character and I love the way she navigates getting to know herself and her interests. Illustrations add to the narrative in this graphic novel hybrid. I think even kids as young as third grade will love Maggie's story. 

I was so excited to get to read this novel on NetGalley. This second book in the Amari series kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. It was so action-packed it felt more like a movie than a book. If you don't know Amari, in the first book of the series, she found out there is a secret world with people who have abilities, but her ability, the power to use magic, is forbidden. Amari spent the first book proving that not all magicians are evil but here in the second book, she has to do it all over again. An excellent series for lovers of high-stakes fantasy. I wish the next one was already out!


Stacy Barnett Mozer is a third grade teacher and a middle grade author. If you like what she's been reading follow her on Goodreads. Please leave a comment below.


  1. I have the first Amari book but I haven't read it. I really should, thanks for the post.

    1. It's a great series. I highly recommend getting started on that!

  2. I'm so jealous you got to read the latest Amari already. It's on my TBR.

  3. I LOVE Amari! She's on my post this week, too! What a great series. B.B. Alston is terrific!

  4. I am looking forward to this Amari book. I do have a reserve on it from my library, but it will be a while.

  5. I hadn't seen Join the Club, Maggie Diaz, but it looks like a great read! The hybrid graphic novel format made me think of Terri Libenson, and it turns out the description actually says "for fans of Terri Libenson," so that makes sense! And I'm glad to hear the second Amari book is such a compelling read! Thanks so much for the wonderful post, Stacy!


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