
Monday, August 29, 2022

#IMWAYR Monday, August 29, 2022

It's Monday What Are You Reading is hosted each week by Unleashing Readers and Teach Mentor Texts. If you are a person who loves kidlit, all you need to do to join is to blog about books you are reading on Monday, add your link to either of those two blogs and post using the hashtag. I hope you will join in!

One day of school down. Today we came together as a staff and started to get our rooms ready. I'll post some pictures next week. Students start on Thursday.

Last week I interviewed Michelle Mohrweis, author of Trouble With Robots (which I reviewed a few weeks ago). Check out her interview here

Middle Grade

When most people lose someone important to them, they wish their loved one could come back. For Sal, his ability to reach into other dimensions makes this impossibility a reality. Unfortunately, this comes with unforeseen challenges that may lead to the destruction of the entire universe. Lovers of real-world fantasy and science fiction will enjoy this book.

When Katie needs to earn money in order to join her best friend at camp for the second session, she ends up with a job babysitting her neighbor's cats. These cats are an unusual bunch who are able to do some very uncatlike things, such as stealing the neighbor's couch and going on the internet. And Katie's neighbor who owns these cats? She's full of surprises too. A fun graphic novel set in a world where good and evil and superhero and villains may not be what they seem.


Stacy Barnett Mozer is a third grade teacher and a middle grade author. If you like what she's been reading follow her on Goodreads. Please leave a comment below. 


  1. Katie the Catsitter sounds like a hoot. Sal and Gabi Break the Universe looks like a fascinating idea. Good Luck with the beginning of kids at school.

  2. Good luck with the start of school, Stacy! I made note of Katie the Catsitter—I'm not sure why I haven't read that book, and I probably need to add it to my ever-expanding shelf of graphic novels to read! Also, I really enjoyed your interview with Michelle Mohrweis—I love that she paces around her room and dictates her writing, because I can barely sit still a lot of the time either! Thanks so much for the wonderful post!


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