
Monday, October 10, 2022

#IMWAYR October 10, 2022


It's Monday What Are You Reading is hosted each week by Unleashing Readers and Teach Mentor Texts. If you are a person who loves kidlit, all you need to do to join is to blog about books you are reading on Monday, add your link to either of those two blogs and post using the hashtag. I hope you will join in!

It was a very nice beginning to the Jewish Holiday season. This week we will be eating outdoors in our Sukkah, a hut we build outside our house that has three walls and a see-through roof. I love this time of year, but I will also be glad when the holidays finally come to a close next week.

Middle Grade

Ravini Foster is lonely. Every day he has to deal with trouble from the town bully and bringing his father lunch at the Slaughterhouse where he works. Then one night a truck delivers seven mysterious kids to the empty house across the street and once Ravini meets the kids, especially Virginia, a girl his age, his life will be forever changed. A slightly creepy, but very well-done story about the magic of finding friendship and family.

Everyone loves the big tree in the back of Marisol's house. Everyone but Marisol. She has named the tree Peppina and Peppina is not Marisol's friend. Each day of summer, Peppina taunts Marisol with her branches that are easy to climb for everyone else. But Marisol has fears and sometimes those fears get in the way of living her life. Will this fear of Peppina ruin Marisol's summer? A lovely story about friendship and anxiety. Great for kids in 1st - 3rd.

Young Adult

Everyone knows the story of The Little Mermaid who gives up her tail and voice to walk on land and win the heart of the handsome prince. But what if the Mermaid was not a mermaid at all, but a siren who sings princes to their death. And what if the prince were a siren killer? A well-done twist on this well-known tail.


Stacy Barnett Mozer is a third-grade teacher and a middle-grade author. If you like what she's been reading follow her on Goodreads. Please leave a comment below. 


  1. I enjoyed the Marisol book, a good one to start talking about fears and I have The Midnight Children on my list, Stacy. Dan Gemeinhart's books are always great. To Kill A Kingdom is a new title to me, on my list! Thanks for all and have a good week!

  2. The Midnight Children is on my TBR. Adding Marisol to my list! (Amy @mothergooselibrarian).

  3. The Midnight Children is on my list. I really enjoyed Marisol, but then, I say that about every Erin Entrada Kelly book I read! To Kill a Kingdom sounds brilliant.


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