
Monday, September 9, 2019

#IMWAYR September 9, 2019

Each week I try to join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee from Unleashing Readers to share all of the reading I've done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. 

Here's what I read this week:

Middle Grade

 Jeffery Magee might have had a normal life if his parents weren't killed in a freak accident. Instead he finds himself living on the street between two parts of a racially divided town, trying to figure why these two groups think of themselves as so different when they really have a lot in common. A modern classic that can still be enjoyed and discussed by today's kids.

This is the second graphic memoir from Shannon Hale and I loved the way she took the events of the first book and showed how even though she thought she had life and friendship figured out, as we age those same things get more complicated. Shannon also does a good job of sharing how anxiety was a challenge in her life. I wish I had this book when I was in middle school. Shannon's questions and thoughts resonated with me because I felt the same way when I was her age (and I'm pretty sure I am her age). Even though kids today have some differences such as technology and cell phones, the thoughtful questions she asks about love and life and friendship are still being asked by tweens and teens today.

Young Adult

When seventeen-year-old Zoe is caught in a snowstorm with her brother and their dogs, all she can think is she needs to find them shelter. The fact that the neighbor's house, which should be empty looks lived in doesn't occur to her until after a man living there kills her dog and threatens her life. But just when things seem hopeless, a mysterious, good looking stranger comes out of the ice to save the day. As Zoe finds out more about this stranger, who she names X, she finds out that there is much she doesn't know about her world, X, and her neighbors and how they connect to the "death" of her father. Told in multiple points of view, this story will have you on the edge of your seat. 


Stacy Barnett Mozer is a teacher and a middle grade author. If you like what she's been reading follow her on Goodreads. Please leave a comment below. 


  1. I just love what you had to say about Shannon Hale's Best Friends. I simply must get my hands on this one very soon. Thanks for all these shares, Stacy, and I hope you have a wonderful reading week!

  2. Oh, I really need to read Best Friends. I also grappled with anxiety as a child, and my stepson currently does as well. Have a great week!

  3. Best Friends is on my list as well -- thanks for sharing it.

  4. I loved Maniac Magee, hope that kids are still reading it! Thanks for The Edge of Everything, sounds good and scary! And Best friends is also on my list, & for my granddaughter! Thank you!

  5. I still need to get to The Edge of Everything. Not sure I will like that multiple POV though. Hope you have a great week!

  6. Hi! What a great selection that you have for the week. Maniac Magee sounds like it would be a good book to teach about other cultures or to have student from bigger cities read. Your description of Best Friends kinda reminds me of what Judy Blume's Are You There God? It's me, Margaret. That book to me was very easy to relate to and answered a lot of questions about growing up as a middle schooler. I will have to add them both to my list to read. Happy Reading!


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