
Monday, September 2, 2019

#IMWAYR Summer 2019

Each week teachers and librarians join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee from Unleashing Readers to share all of the reading they’ve done  over the week from picture books to young adult novels. It’s been a long time since I’ve shared my reading so instead of sharing the books I’ve read this week, I’ll start the new school year as I do for my students, sharing all of my summer reads. Starting next week I hope to go back to one week at a time.

It’s Monday. What have you been reading?


  1. I love this collage. I tried to find a program to do this online but the three I tried were all lacking. There was a limit to the number of pics or they came out really blurry (got them from Goodreads). I read Lightning Girl this summer as well and really enjoyed it. OCDaniel has been a favourite of mine for a while. I also enjoyed It Wasn't Me and several others. Enjoy your first week back!

    1. I did this using Canva. It's my favorite program for collages because it's easy to use on the iPad. I'm also using it as my iPad home screen.

  2. Looking at your assortment I recognize several titles, including Voyage of the Dogs which I liked a lot and PIecing Me Together which I found very powerful. Looks like a great summer of reading!

    1. Both of those books were favorites. I was lucky to hear Renee Watson keynote at a conference this summer. She's as incredible as her books.

  3. I loved a number of these books, Stacy! I remember being surprised by All the Greys on Greene Street this year. It just really touched my heart. Lightning Girl is definitely one of my all-time favorite middle grade reads. And I absolutely plan to read Hafsah Faizal’s second book in the series. Really enjoyed book #1! I still need to get to the second Endling book -- can't wait! Thanks for all the shares.

    1. Lightning Girl was a huge book talk favorite with my class. As soon as I told them about it they begged to borrow it. Fortunatley my school library also bought a bunch of copies.


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