
This is the blog of children's book author and elementary school teacher, Stacy Barnett Mozer. I blog about my own writing journey, the journey of other kidlit authors, my classroom, and talk about books. Thanks for stopping by. Your thoughts are always welcome (and encouraged).

Monday, July 25, 2016

#IMWAYR July 25, 2016

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. #IMWAYR

I always seem to read Corey Rosen Schwartz and Tara Lazar's books at the same time. In the spring I read Little Red Gliding Hood and Ninja Red Riding Hood. This week I read two other books by these authors along with two middle grade and one YA novel.

Here's what I've read this week:

Picture Books

A fun story about what it means to be "normal." I love the way Tara set up the book as a science experiment gone "wrong." 

If you haven't read any of Corey Rosen Schwartz's ninja fractured fairytales, you really should find all three. In this latest story, Hensel and Gretel save the day by using their ninja training.

Middle Grade

 I chose Pax because it is one of the Global Read Aloud books of 2016. It's a story of friendship, growth, and discover told from alternating points of view between a boy and his pet fox. 

A story about bullying and self-evaluation. It's labeled middle grade and has an 11yo protagonist, but I felt it was for an older reader.

Young Adult

Book 2 in the Court of Fives series (borrowed from NetGalley).

My summer goal stands at 5/10 picture books, 10/10 middle grade, 5 YA, and 1 professional book. I continued beta reading and read a new chapter of another critique partner's book. I also revised the beginning of my novel and sent the first chapters to my critique group. Overall, it was a successful reading and writing week. On Wednesday I will flying out to the Society of Children Book Writer and Illustrator's summer conference in LA (whoo hoo!). I'm sure I'll get a bunch of new book recommendations and there'll be lots of time for reading on the plane.

If you like my reading choices, you can check out all the books I've read on Goodreads and please leave me a comment below. 


  1. Pax and The Girl in the Well were both so sad. If you want a sad book that is a bit more uplifting, try Anderson's Ms. Bixby's Last Day. Sad, but with a lot more redeeming qualities that will make it more palatable for the target demographic!

    1. Ms. Bixby's Last Day is definitely on my list. Thanks for suggesting it.

  2. Nice assortment of books. I'm eager to read The Poisoned Blade. Come see what my week was like here. Happy reading!

  3. I liked Pax but it is sad. I don't know the Girl in the Well so will check it out. Thanks

  4. A colleague of mine read out a passage from The Girl in the Well is Me at a staff meeting, and holy smokes was it intense! The description of the well gave me goosebumps - definitely not a story for claustrophobic readers!

  5. I loved Pax, but had a hard time with The Girl in the Well is Me. The bullying was a bit too much for me. I agree with Jane before me in that it was very intense.

  6. I thought Normal Norman was a fun story, too. I read The Girl in the Well is Me, but it was a tough one for me to get through. The cruelty of the girls made me sad. The themes are definitely relevant and important.

  7. I enjoyed the storyline in Normal Norman but I wasn't a fan of the stereotypical Native American puppet in the illustrations. I really loved Pax. I have heard a lot of good things about The Court of Five. It's a series I plan to read at some point.


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